The Witch-hunt of Dylan Mulvaney: How Conservatives use Trans Women on TikTok to Perpetuate an Agenda

     Dylan Mulvaney is a young trans woman who went viral for her "Days of Girlhood" series very early in her transition. She made a series of TikToks describing her experiences and the milestones in her transition, and also voicing her opinions about trans issues in general. Little did she know that her existence on the internet would anger so many people. A video she made that drew immense amounts of backlash was on tampons, and how she as a trans woman carried them with her in case one of her female friends or even a stranger in the bathroom needed one. Her considerate actions and growing internet presence led to her to be featured in a Tampax ad about womanhood, and this was just fuel to the fire for conservatives.

     The TERF movement, or trans exclusionary radical feminists arose in opposition to the inclusion of trans women in feminism. Activists like J.K. Rowling tried to hide their thinly veiled transphobia behind concerns about women's safety, or the protection or women's experiences, but the goal or excluding trans women remains the same. The ignorance behind this pointed transphobia is palpable and has real effects. After being accused of trying to "appropriate women" or "invade women's spaces", Mulvaney came out publicly talked about the intensely negative effects of all of the hate on her mental health. While maybe some trans women can handle the hate on TikTok, there is a very concrete threat to their wellbeing that is harder to ignore. As anti-trans laws are signed into the books around the country, and the right to transition is on the docket for our notoriously conservative Supreme Court, trans women are right to be worried about their future. As a community, we have to stand with out trans brothers and sisters in the fight for LGBT rights. While some spoke up for Dylan and people like her, we need to present a united front against people like the ones in this TikTok, as well as the legislators stripping away trans rights today. 

Dylan Talking to President Biden about trans rights. She received hate for this as well.
Two conservative TikTokers, one being a podcast host and one more normal mother expressing opinions that many women on TikTok face. 


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